Baggeridge Country Park
Gospel End Road
West Midlands
Contact Number: 07752 859432/07549 337874
Email: info@breathingspacetherapeuticservices.co.uk
Meet The Team
"Unity is strength....when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."
Our staff team come from varying backgrounds and have extensive experience of working with both children and animals in a variety of settings.
Founder & Executive Director
Bic Mainstone
Bic has extensive experience working with young people of all ages and in a variety of capacities. Initially qualified in Information, Advice and Guidance Bic was a programme co-ordinator within a training organisation that supported young people who were not in education, employment or training and delivered recognised qualifications, whilst supporting the young people to develop their personal and social skills and secure positive transitions upon programme completion. Bic then went on to qualify as a therapist and worked for a number of years as an Addictions counsellor in a rehabilitation centre before moving into a career working therapeutically with children and young people, specialising in offering therapeutic interventions to young people residing in secure settings and young offender’s institutes, alongside children in the care of the Local Authority and qualifying as an Animal Therapy Practitioner.
Bic also has a keen interest in both the outdoors and creative therapy and believes children and young people thrive within environments that allow them the time, space and freedom to explore and address their own needs, whilst developing their personal interests.
Level 5 Integrative therapeutic counselling
Level 3 Animal Therapy Practitioner
Level 4 Information, Advice & Guidance
Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Motivational Interviewing
Integrative Group Therapy
Trauma & Attachment: various modules​
- Enhanced DBS
- Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Lead
- First Aid
- Health & Safety​
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society

Primary Lead & member of our Board of Directors
Libby Jenkins
Libby is a qualified Integrative counsellor and hypnotherapist. She is also a qualified Primary School teacher, with many years experience of assessing the needs of children and creating innovative programmes that meet their needs.
She currently leads our Primary Alternative Provision and is the coordinator of our student counsellor programme , alongside being a member of our governance team.
BA (Hons) Primary Education
PG Certificate Psychology (Post Grad)
Level 3 Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Level 5 Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling Practice​
- Enhanced DBS
- Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Lead
- First Aid
- Level 2 Food Hygiene
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
National Hypnotherapy Society

Secondary Alternative Provision Lead Facilitator
Lisa Bird
Lisa has worked within the care system for about 12 years, with a particular interest in special needs and has a level 3 SEN qualification,
A level 3 qualified TA, she specialises in both Primary & Secondary aged children, along with young adults. Lisa also specialises in integrating Forest School interventions within her work across provisions.
Lisa has been involved in theatre for over 20 years, stage managing, working backstage and building sets for various theatre groups. She soon became involved in working with several charities and loves working with young adults with learning difficulties, supporting their involvement in youth theatre.
Lisa recently worked on the BBC show Doctors as standby art director and also works with Bedazzle, a community organisation based in Dudley, supporting the charity’s aims and values, which are so close to her heart.
Level 3 SEND
Level 3 Teaching Assistant
Forest School Lead
- Enhanced DBS
- Designated Safeguarding Lead
- First Aid

Alternative Provision Facilitator & Support Worker
Izzy Marr
Izzy joined our organisation on placement as part of her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. She proved immensely skilled at engaging children and young people and joined us formally as a member of our staff team in 2022.
She has a keen interest in animals, craft and various creative arts, embedding these interests within her work with us.
Duke of Edinburgh Award (Gold)
Trauma & Attachment
- Enhanced DBS
- Level 2 Designated Safeguarding Lead (Staffs Safeguarding Children's Board)
- First Aid
- Level 2 Food Hygiene

Alternative Provision Facilitator, Support Worker & Animal Caretaker
Rina Mainstone
Rina has been a member of our staff team since the company was founded in 2020. She has vast experience of working with children and young people with SEND and has carried out various roles within our organisation over the years. Prior to this she worked at Wolverhampton College supporting young adults with SEND, enabling them to advance their skills and gain various qualifications.
Rina has a farming background, transferring her skills and knowledge-base across various provisions within our service. She was also a self-employed riding instructor for many years and specialises in the care and management of our therapy ponies.
Rina is affectionally known by our youngsters as "Gangsta Granny", offering a nurturing and guiding hand to those who need it most, always ensuring our young people feel valued and empowered.
Rina loves spending time in the outdoors and encourages young people across our provisions to see the value and benefits of engaging with their natural environment.
Learning Support
Hotel & Catering Management
Licensed Riding Instructor
- Enhanced DBS
- Level 1 Safeguarding (Staffs Safeguarding Children's Board)
- Level 2 Food Hygiene

Alternative Provision Facilitator, Support Worker & Animal Caretaker
Tracy Davis
Tracy officially joined our service as part of the original Friends with Feathers & Fur team. Prior to this she had supported us in a voluntary capacity with all aspects of our animal and community offers. She has a background in working with children in care of the Local Authority and is also a business owner, within the Hair & Beauty industry.
​Tracy relishes the opportunity to make our children feel valued and respected. She has a fab sense of humour and always manages to bring a smile to the face of anyone she works with.
Tracy has extensive knowledge of working with animals, particularly horses, and enjoys utilising them within her work with us.
​A1 Assessors Award
NVQ in Hairdressing
- Enhanced DBS
- Level 1 Safeguarding (Staffs Safeguarding Children's Board)